I Got a New Client While Returing From My Mumbai Trip – Here’s How!!

A few days ago, I returned from Mumbai. This was my first Mumbai trip in my life. And that too by plane. Naturally, I was very excited. The Solo Mumbai Trip memories are still fresh in my mind.

It is said that Mumbai is a city that never sleeps, a city that never sends anyone back empty-handed. I went to Mumbai to attend a family function of my relatives. But there, I met a lady. A lady, who is a drawing teacher. I was recording videos with my DJI Pocket 2 and she asked me to chat with her for a few minutes. After a brief conversation, that lady turned into my new client.

Today’s article is all about how I got a new client while returning from my Mumbai trip. Also, you will get to know by reading this article, what I have to do for that client, whether I will do it alone or with a team, and how you can get new clients for your business. To find out, read this article till the end.

How To Get Clients For a New Business

Alongside our daily jobs or regular work, we all want to do something different. Something that helps us earn a little extra income. For this reason, many people start creating content, while others help someone else create content or assist in their business. This act of helping others with their work and earning money from it is called freelancing.

But the question is, how do we get clients for freelancing?

Through various freelancing platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, etc., we can easily create a profile and get clients for freelancing. However, there is a lot of competition there. A better approach is to mention your work on social media and find clients. This way, you can get clients through both inbound and outbound methods.

Many people feel shy about creating videos on Facebook or Instagram. In such cases, using LinkedIn is more effective. LinkedIn can also be utilized to onboard excellent clients. If you consistently share text content or infographics about your work and skills on LinkedIn, you can also get clients from there.

Getting Clients is Very Easy

After learning a new skill, we all think that getting clients is really easy.

Actually, that’s true. Getting clients is not a very difficult task.

There are plenty of founders, CEOs, and content creators on LinkedIn who are looking for freelancers to produce quality content and improve their work. But they are not finding the right people. So, there are opportunities everywhere. It’s just a matter of utilizing them.

But does that mean everyone will get clients?

No, absolutely not.

Before getting clients, we need to learn a skill.

A skill that has demand in the market, and we need to master it properly.

So that once we get a client, we can satisfy them. If this happens, then even if we have to work for low pay in the beginning, later on, through referrals, we will have the opportunity to get more clients, more projects, and much higher earnings.

Retaining Clients is Harder than Getting Clients For a New Business

Do you know why most people fail in FREELANCING?

The reason is that they chase money right from the beginning. Their goal is not to do good work and impress the client.

Any freelancer or agency owner has to struggle a bit in the beginning to get clients. They have to convince the client that they can deliver what the client wants, in a better way and at the right price. But as I said, greed for money. Most of us focus too much on money rather than on the work itself.

We forget that a client who has given us one project will give us more work in the future. So why don’t we try to impress them with good work and secure their future projects?

As a result, our earnings will increase, and our business will grow as well.

When you start freelancing, you will also see that for various reasons, your old clients may want to switch to someone else. The reason could be that they found someone who can do the work at a lower price or they think someone else can deliver better quality than you.

That’s why I believe that to retain clients, we need to improve our work every day, set the right price, and maintain good communication with clients. So that once they work with us, they continue giving us projects in the future as well.

How I Got a New Client During My Mumbai Trip

I recently wrote a post on LinkedIn about the same incident. Let me share here as well.

I went to Mumbai for a housewarming ceremony at a relative’s house. There was a two-day House Puja. On the second morning, all the guests were invited. That day, I wore a new Punjabi and was recording the entire event with my camera.

At that moment, guests started arriving one by one. Just then, I noticed a lady looking at me. As soon as I looked at her, she smiled slightly and gestured for me to sit beside her.

I went and sat beside her, and we talked for a while. She told me that she is over 50 years old and is a drawing teacher. She asked me if I was vlogging since I was recording the video. I replied that I do not vlog, but I have a website and work as a freelancer.

Hearing this, she became very happy and showed me great respect. Then she told me that she had once tried creating content on social media—on Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. But she only gets less than 100 views, even though her drawings are really beautiful. So why aren’t her videos going viral?

Then I told her that this is exactly what I do. I help talented individuals, company founders, CEOs, and content creators grow on social media. I explained how she could improve her content to get more views and engagement.

She was very happy to see me helping her for free. And within just 10-15 minutes of conversation, she asked for my mobile number and turned into a paid client.

Moral Of The Story

They say Mumbai is a city which never stops. It’s always running.

I went to Mumbai for a very short period. My brother called me and during that 15-minute call, I booked my first round-trip flight tickets from Kolkata to Mumbai. I still remember that moment.

I never expected that many people would praise me for my skills, my work, whatever I do for a living. But they did. They know what Digital Marketing is and they respect my works and that’s why I have a huge respect for the City of Dreams MUMBAI and its people. They are amazing.

I never expected that by reaching Mumbai for the very first time in my life, I would land a new client. It was an amazing experience. Maybe, I was honest with my words. Maybe she got faith in whatever I told her about social media, content creation and my journey so far.

Dear all the upcoming and struggling Freelancers, Content Creators and Dreamers, please keep working hard, have a self-belief and don’t give up. Make your Mom and dad proud.

Suvam Biswas

Suvam Biswas is the founder of this blog. He has spent the last 5 years helping people navigate digital marketing and online income. Through this blog, he shares simple, practical ideas on finance and side hustles to help you achieve your dreams.

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