How To Become a PhonePe ATM – Benefits & Features

PhonePe ATM – Benefits & Features

Phonepe has come up with a new feature which is PhonePe ATM . This PhonePe ATM feature is newly launched . Today in this post i am going to tell you about this new phonpe atm features .

PhonePe new atm service is for all those users who have a verified PhonePe Merchant Account , if they have they can enable it . But for normal phonepe customers this feature is not available right now . What PhonePe says about their new PhonePe ATM , is if someone enable this then they will get more benfits . So lets discuss about all those features .

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What Is PhonePe ATM

PhonePe ATM is nothing but a phonpe new feature which is currently available for merchant users only . Users who have a merchant account can see a new message from phonpe . This message is all about this feature details with a URL . If you have a merchant account by clicking on the url you can see the details . Or you can see the details by clicking here .

If i tell you in shortly about phonpe atm . Then if a merchant will enable Phonpe ATM then they can receive money from users by UPI . And users will get the exact amount of cash by the Phonpe ATM holders .

How To Become A PhonePe ATM

To Become a PhonePe ATM you must have a verified phonepe merchant account . If you have a PhonePe Merchant Account then after updating the app you can see it . On the below section of phonpe merchant app you can see a icon . If you enable it , your merchant account is registered for PhonePe ATM . If you want you can disable it also . To know more about this new phonepe feature by clicking on the header section you can see the full details .

Remember that this feature is only available for Verified PhonePe Merchant Users . For normal PhonePe users who didn’t have a merchant account yet can’t enable it right now . PhonePe says that this feature is coming for the normal users in the upcoming days .

How To Use PhonePe ATM

To use PhonePe New ATM Feature you have to enable it from PhonePe Business App . After that you registered yourselves as a PhonePe ATM . Now users who wants to withdraw some money from ATM , can now withdraw from PhonePe ATM too . But for this users need to follow the steps .

How To Withdraw Money From PhonePe ATM

  • Update PhonePe App .
  • Click on ” Store ” , on the phonepe app downside
  • On your location
  • Select store which is nearest to you and from which you want to withdraw money
  • Now pay the amount via upi ( max. ₹5000 )
  • After paying the PhonePe store will give you the amount in cash .

So by using this method merchant users money deposited to their account without going to bank . Also you raised your money without going to bank or atm .

Withdrawal Limit

The minimum withdrawl limit per transaction is ₹5000 . That means you can withdraw on each transaction up to ₹5000 . Provided the amount should have in your Account .

PhonePe ATM Benefits

Phonepe says that users who become a PhonePe ATM can get many benefits . Because for example let a man ” X ” have a book store , and he Become a PhonPe ATM . So if 100 new users comes daily to his / her store for withdrawing money , then the chance become much higher that some users also purchased something from that shop .

Also get more cusstomers to discover your store on PhonePe .

Get more business by increasing customer walk-ins to your store .

Get money deposited in your account without going to the bank .

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Terms & Conditions

The Merchant may choose to offer its Customer(s) (whether or not such Customer(s) seeks to purchase products) the facility of withdrawing cash (in INR against valid PhonePe transactions within India from time to time (“Cash Out Facility”).

And The Merchant agrees that Cash Out Facility shall not be available in respect of any other UPI App other than PhonePe.

Also The Merchant agrees that the maximum amount (Cash limit) which can be withdrawn by any Customer(s) on a day utilizing the Cash Out Facility shall be amounts prescribed under Applicable Law by the Reserve Bank of India, NPCI with respect to UPI from time to time.

But the Cash Limit: Maximum amount of INR 5,000 can be withdrawn by the customer on a single successful transaction. UPI Cash limit: Per NPCI a Merchant may receive a maximum of INR 50000 on P2PM transactions per month. Maximum number of transactions per day: 10 (Ten)


So i think you know how can you become a PhonPe ATM . If you have any queries regarding this , please comment down below .

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Suvam Biswas

Suvam Biswas is the founder of this blog. He has spent the last 5 years helping people navigate digital marketing and online income. Through this blog, he shares simple, practical ideas on finance and side hustles to help you achieve your dreams.

7 thoughts on “How To Become a PhonePe ATM – Benefits & Features”


  2. Dear sir
    According to my concern atleast you should give percentage 2% on the limit per day transcation as a benefits to merchants.If else why should he take such a risk without providing any benefits.
    The merchant should also maintain cash is a problamatic now a days to go bank in rural areas.Mostly cash problems are suffering in rural areas rather than urban cities.My suggestion is to provide atleast any other benefits to merchants to maintain phonepe ATM’s.

    Thank you

  3. So naive and stupid of PhonePe to believe merchants will do social service to every customer in the hopes of getting their business boosted.
    There should be at least 3-4% commission. I opened a shop in a rural area and I get 25-30 customers daily asking me for cash. I refuse them all cause they don’t want me to pay a single extra rupee.
    Phone Pe should give me commission to get their app a boost in rural areas.


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