Hello, my dear brothers and sisters. My name is Suvam Biswas. TechSuvam is my first Blog. I started this blog in 2019 when I knew very less about Blogging and that’s the reason I took the name techsuvam.com for this blog. My current profession is writing, that is blogging, and my passion, or rather, what makes me truly happy, is filmmaking and video creation. I have a strong desire to make a movie.
There is a story behind creating this blog. Would you like to hear it?

I’ve been a very shy person since childhood. I rarely went outside and spoke to people.
I loved studying since I was young, and I still read some books when I get the time. But that doesn’t mean I was a very good student. In our childhood, we didn’t have social media or the internet, so I spent most of my time watching TV.
During that time, movie actors would come on TV shows and give interviews, which I enjoyed a lot. The way to contact them was by either calling the TV show live or writing them a letter before the next show. When I was in 7th or 8th grade, I started writing letters to TV shows. I never dared to send them, but that’s when my love for writing started to grow.
I studied in Bengali medium, so my English wasn’t very good in my childhood. But by God’s grace, I can write Bengali quite well. And when I face difficulties in content writing, I write in Bengali and then translate it into English. Google Translate has been very helpful for me, although I don’t use it much anymore.
I was born in Birbhum district of West Bengal. After my secondary education, I had to choose between Arts, Science, and Commerce. I started studying Science after the 10th grade. After completing my honours in Mathematics, I am now involved in blogging, YouTube, and affiliate marketing.
It’s not that I became successful in blogging in just a few days. I started blogging in 2019, and after working for 6 months, I earned my first income from blogging. After that, I never looked back. This is the story of my life.
This is the story of a few months ago in my life, before creating this blog and YouTube channel. Now, there’s a twist in the story. Let me tell you about it.
When I was young—not very young, but after passing college—I just wanted to do something and help my parents a little. To be honest, at that time, our financial situation wasn’t very good.
I also wanted to get a government job. During that time, I used to tutor students and tried to earn 5,000 to 10,000 rupees per month to help my family and continue studying to get a government job. But the opposite happened.
COVID came, lockdown happened, and everyone stayed home. During that time, a blog I started became highly successful, and I started earning a lot of money from blogging. After that, what happens when you get a taste of money? I couldn’t stop. I forgot about my studies and focused only on earning money. With my earnings, I bought a house, a car, everything.
But still, something was missing. The peace, the joy of success, the happiness—those things seemed to be fading from my life. Whenever anyone asked me what I was doing, I couldn’t give a clear answer, and neither could my parents. I live in a rural area, so in our village, getting a government job is considered the only success.
Now, things have changed. Blogging doesn’t work the same way as it used to. Earlier, I could write a blog and it would be visible on Google, and I’d earn money. Now, it’s not the same. Now, I have to think a lot before writing a blog. Even after writing it, there’s a lot of work to be done. And it’s not guaranteed that I’ll earn money from that blog. From my experience, I’ve observed that now, if someone wants to succeed in blogging, they need to write a specific type of content rather than just random articles. Regional language blogs may also get more priority now.
I’ve always had the desire to write blogs in Bengali. I’ve tried many times. However, due to time constraints or because of Google’s algorithms, Bengali blogs didn’t work. Other people’s blogs worked, but mine didn’t. I don’t know what has changed now, but my new Bengali YouTube channel and the blog I’m writing are working well. So, I’ve decided to create content on this blog and my Bengali YouTube channel about how to earn money online, how to save money and share the story of my life or blogging. I’m hopeful that this time, I will have everyone’s support.
My YouTube channel’s name is Suvam Biswas. (@suvambiswas10)
Thank you. Jai Maa Durga. Stay well, everyone.
Founder & CEO: Suvam Biswas (IG: @suvambiswas_)